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Which Mobile Platform Is Best For App Development?

Which Mobile Platform Is Best For App Development?

Which Mobile Platform Is Best For App Development?


We know that Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS both are their operating systems that primarily use mobile technology. So, this market can’t ignore it anymore. If you still don’t have a mobile app for your business, then it’s high time for you to get one. iOS and Android are the two best-operating systems from which you can start developing a mobile app.

Have you already made your mind to build an application? That’s super great! But which mobile platform is best for app development? Android or iOS?

Don’t be confused in choosing the platform and don’t rely on personal preferences. It would help if you thought of the business and parameters which matter the most. Below we have gathered some data related to Android vs. iOS Development and have compared these two operating systems to help you out in choosing the best mobile platform.


As per market share, we can say that Android has been leading since 2017. Google Playstore has reached 28 billion in the year 2018 and over 20 billion app downloads through Google play. The average revenue of Android vs. iOS is very close.

It is the first thought that comes in mind even before deciding to build a business app. It generally depends on five factors, such as who is your audience, the project timeline, desired app features, app maintenance budget, and revenue goal. But if you’re goal is to create an application for both platforms, then it might be quite expensive. Instead, build an app for a platform user is looking for, and when your first version is successful and well-established, you can move on with another platform.

You can get millions of apps for free on Android and is easy to customize. In iOS customization, it is not easy to make changes compared with Android.

So if you launch on the wrong platform, you could be neglecting your primary target audience. If you want to have an app that’s available in both stores, you’ll need to develop two different ones from scratch in order to meet the requirements for each operations system. It’s a long and expensive process.

Developing an app for Apple is expensive

It’s also going to take a really long time complete the process. Once it’s built and your app finally launches, it will continue to cost you lots of money. Regular maintenance isn’t cheap either. Plus you’ll need to pay for third party subscriptions, server space, and other hidden expenses associated with development and maintenance.

Large corporations can afford this, but these costs aren’t reasonable for the average person.

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