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Mobile App Development Services, Uberlike Mobile Apps, FaceBook Like Apps in South Africa

Mobile App Development Services, Uberlike Mobile Apps, FaceBook Like Apps in South Africa

Mobile App Development Services, Uberlike Mobile Apps, Facebook Like Apps in South Africa



ElmMac offers Native Application Development and Web-Based Application Development. Native Applications take a far longer time to develop and can be more costly than a Web-Based Application. So you ask yourself, what is the difference between a native and web-based application?



Native Application

A native application is custom coded from the ground up – meaning every change you want to make moving forward will need to be custom coded and updated on your application.

Web-Based Application

A web-based application can be developed in a shorter period of time, dependent on what you have in mind and it is more convenient if you want to make changes or edits to your application as when you make the changes or edits it reflects on your app immediately.


So which is more suited for the application you want developed?


That will entirely depend on what you have in mind, Let us know what you have in mind and we will advise you on what we can offer you.

How much does an App Cost?

ElmMac offers android application development , Android APK that can be uploaded on Google Play Store and on multiple other App Stores iOS applications can be uploaded on Apple’s App Store Contact us for a quote.

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