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Update Your Website Re-Design And Editing Done Professionally

Update Your Website Re-Design And Editing Done Professionally

Update Your Website Re-Design And Editing Done Professionally in Eastern Cape, Free State, Mpumalanga

Website Maintenance – Why is it important?

You’ve spent all this time (and money) on having your website developed by professionals – why should you worry about fiddling with it now and spending more money on website maintenance? If my web developer did their job, it would just work!

Unfortunately, that’s simply not true. Websites need maintaining, like a car, a house or any other important investment.

Stay secure

The easier way for a hacker to infiltrate your site is to find a weak spot. An out of date plug in or version of WordPress is a great weak spot for a hacker to take advantage of. Avoid the headache by simply making sure your website and all its components are maintained.

Keep your audience up-to-date

Website maintenance gives you the opportunity to keep your content fresh. What’s your latest special? What new product are you offering? Let your consumers know and keep them interested. If your audience knows that your website is always fresh with content, they have a reason to come back, and most importantly, stay. Talking about impressing your audience – show them you’re savvy through website maintenance. Let’s face it, a company that can’t even manage to update their website doesn’t exactly impress on the pubic that they are current, innovative or relevant.



Avoid a disaster

Consistent website maintenance avoids the equivalent happening to your website. Bad things happen as a result of too many out dated plugins. Today is always a good time to start maintaining your website, even if it’s been a while. Don’t wait for a disaster. An up to date website sends the signal to your audience that you are here to stay and you are competitive.


An SEO advantage

SEO (essentially, trying to rank your website to rank 1st on search page results) is highly effected by how up-to-date your website is and how much is happening on your website. Having consistent website maintenance will ensure that both of these criteria are being addressed. Simply put, you are more likely to find your website at the top of the Google search results page if your website is maintained.


 You’ll feel in control through website maintenance. Should something ever happen to your website your down time is most likely going to be minimal and your problem far easier to fix.


Your website will work for you and you’ll have peace of mind that its quality is not deteriorating. Contact us Today

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