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Do I Need A Website For My Startup Business?

Do I Need A Website For My Startup Business?

Do I Need A Website For My Startup Business?

Your website is your online storefront and works like an extended business card.  If someone is looking for you they should be able to find you, your product/service and contact information all in one place. This is why you should have a professional website up and running by the time you launch your business. There are more than 2.4 billion people on the internet each day and about 90% of those people who have bought something online.  If you don’t have some form of good online presence you are losing out on a large portion of customers.


Online Storefront

A website for your business is like an online storefront; people get their first impression of your business from your website. This is why it is imperative that your website is professional, and that you don’t compromise on its quality, or cut any corners in the process of making one.



Think of a website as your hardest working salesperson or representative. A website is up and running 24/7 without any supervision. Anyone, at any time, can find out important details about your business outside of the normal trading hours. You are always available to your customers with a website, which is always appreciated.





You may not realize, but by having a website with good SEO, you are getting free marketing. You increase your chances of being found naturally from Google Searches, rank higher on Search Engine Result Pages and can use back-links and referrals to get your company name heard.

Marketing demographics refers to data collected from the users who visit your site. This type of market research is invaluable, as it shows who is looking at your site, on which device and how they interact with your website.



Having a professional website shows that you have put time and effort into your business and marketing plan. By having a good website, you can improve the credibility and value of your business to your viewers. You will also show that you are taking this business venture seriously and are not afraid to invest in important and worthwhile aspects of starting a successful business.

Personalized Email Address

By having your own website, that has its own domain, you can get your own personalized email address e.g. This is more professional than a generic or personal email through Hotmail or gmail. It is also helps potential customers remember your business name.


Many startup owners are scared to approach a professional website designer because they expect exorbitantly high prices and don’t fully understand how important a professional website is for a business. ElmMac offers a service to create an affordable and  professional website in just one week. With no compromise on quality, we will provide you with an amazing, affordable website for your business.

Check out our pricing and contact us if you have any questions.

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